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Provides activities for the entire family.

Sunday school


Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15


The mission of the Triumph Community Outreach Ministries Sunday School Department is to foster an environment whereby learners of all ages and levels of biblical knowledge can be exposed to, understand, and apply biblical principles for them to continue to grow spiritually.



Through a bible-based approach, our goals are:

  • Help build a strong spiritually foundation of those in our community to understand the purpose of seeking and maintaining a right relationship with God;

  • Equip them spiritually with the knowledge needed to transform their lives and the lives of others;

  • Encourage learners on their own time to further study outside of Sunday School Classes; and

  • Recruit and retain godly teachers and assistants who faithfully serve Jesus Christ to help teach and model the importance of discipleship.



Age-appropriate classes are conducted on Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.  The youth are fed a light breakfast immediately after the conclusion of their session free of charge.

If you would like more information about our Sunday School Department, please leave your information on the contact page for Minister May Nunn.

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Mission Statement

The mission of the Youth Ministry is to present role models that will lead by example and set a standard of holy living to all youth and inspire higher education, improved relationships and help youths develop lifestyle choices that will help them have a better attitude about themselves while building self-esteem.  Most of all, teaching and mentoring youth so that they will have a spiritual foundation and come to receive Christ Jesus as their personal Savior at an early age.

 Vision Statement

Our vision is one that is in agreement with that of the Triumph Community Outreach Ministries' vision.  To have a strong presence in the local church and community that fosters trust and builds new relationships for the common good of ministry.

Our goal is to help our youth develop a positive self-concept, including the importance of self-expression through drama, music, mime, praise dancing, sermonettes, and encourage them to evangelize in the community, winning other youth to Christ.

If you are interested in being part of the praise dance ministry, choir, or children ministry, please submit your information via the contact page to Minster Michael Perkins or Sister Marion Bridgeford.




Is to see all leaders in the body of Christ no matter what position you hold, and families come together in the spirit of unity that God’s glory will be unleashed upon all that seek Him.

That all men would realize that prayer is not just a women’s ministry in the church but a ministry for all to connect and bombard heaven that we may experience daily blessings by commanding power and authority, binding and loosing, in the Name of Jesus.


To enter into God’s divine presence with the spirit of worship and praise. Worship is the giving of honor and devotion. Praise is thanksgiving and an expression of gratitude not only for what God has done but for who He is. You are to worship God in spirit and truth:

To effectively intercede on the behalf of others through the process of intercessory prayer while living a lifestyle of holiness, that we may stand before the Lord based on the righteousness of Christ.

To effectively breaking the power of darkness and ushering in the power of God by sending prayers across all geographical, cultural, and political barriers, expecting lives changed. Souls converted into the Kingdom of God.

I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. I Timothy 2:1-2.



If you are interested in being part of the Adult Choir or Adult Praise and Worship Team, please submit your contact information on the contact page and someone will get in touch with you.

Preaching Crowd
Van Ministry

Due to the pandemic the van ministry is not available.

Community service


Due to the coronavirus pandemic all community service are postponed.

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